Newport Girls' High School

B8I0016 v2

Rewards & Sanctions

Newport Girls’ High School aims to encourage and celebrate the success of all of our students across all areas of school life. We want to ensure that all students commitment and achievement is acknowledged, rewarded and recorded in school. We understand the importance of praise and reward and strive to ensure that every student is recognised for the positive contribution they make to our school community.

We have worked with our Student Council to develop our rewards system as we know that students thrive on praise, being successful and receiving recognition for this. The rewards system hopes to reward the deserving, inspire those that may be experiencing difficulties and motivate those who are struggling.
We reward students in school through the awarding of House Points. Students receive House Points from teachers and support staff for: 
  • Positive behaviour in lessons / outside the classroom
  • Effort
  • Extra-curricular participation
  • Academic Achievement and progress
  • Attendance
  • Caring for others
House Points are accumulated and celebrated in half termly rewards assemblies which are led by Heads of Year.
For further details about rewards or to learn about behaviour and sanctions used in school, please refer to our Behaviour and Rewards Policy.